Monday, December 7, 2009

Table Torture Worst Possible Way To Be Torture?

Worst possible way to be torture? - table torture

What are the worst forms of a human being can be tortured?

In my opinion, is shot in both knees with a shotgun cap (the cap to the knee bone is fixed)

Sawed to have weapons, not with a chain saw, a saw!

Each finger with a hammer and tied his penis on a table (if you're a man)

Also fired a gun several times in the stomach.

Do not respond if you leave a rude comment.

I'm not a psychopath or anything, I am bored and the "Saw" movies, thinking that you see, could soon

In your opinion, is what may be the worst form of a man being tortured?


Co A said...

Be made to see a porn scene between three-Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton and Barbra Streisand to ....

Seriously, (if you can the image of his mind for mental health reasons to buy), we each have a different face of hell, as both the fourth 101 in Orwell's "1984", which "threatens the worst thing in the world behind the door for us all .... for rats protagonist Winston Smith.

And remember, not all are ..... physical torture

Richo Fev said...

I think that would have pulled out the nails one by one, very bad.

Burned alive at the stake is probably my worst nightmare, you can imagine?

Chinese water torture could also be addressed in general.

Edit - I believe the Chinese water torture is tied open, and slowly dripping water on his forehead for hours at a time.

kefer39 said...

When em tied to a tree and slowly sliced skin from the MA. Get em cut the handle and then slowly pull on your skin Em until the skin, they are completely naked will scream, but his departure in swamps and lakes in the region. The Yankees now is fucking stupid little rude. Smile on your daughter, the kind of things that Southerners, the only shot in the head and take, there is some structure in the Ocala National Forest, near a lake after his mind by HEM put some stones, into good put em in a boat of John, and throw them in the middle of the lake and crocodiles eat evidence

rockieba... said...

I do not know what is worse, but one that has been difficult enough, needles or other sharp objects again placed in their shame and the pressure of other developed regions, eyes, etc. hours.


martino said...


chereebo... said...

I think the worst of torture, their children would be tortured. I'd kill myself.

Intellit... said...

Thrown into the fire

reginuta said...

I really do not know!

Grundoon said...

You see a loved one suffer. NOTHING can hurt, as

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