Thursday, December 31, 2009

Bowel Movements More Condition_symptoms When Working Out, Is It Normal To Have More Frequent Bowel Movements?

When working out, is it normal to have more frequent bowel movements? - bowel movements more condition_symptoms

I work on 4-5 times a week for about a month now for cyclists and pedestrians, as I am overweight. I quit smoking with Chantix and have not smoked for 12 days now (it's great!). I have never in my normal chair, but in the last two weeks have been much more frequent and higher. Why is this so?


bjsmith2... said...

If the exercise helps to get more regular. Have you noticed that people take their dogs to walk to the toilet. And the same with humans. I remember being in bed in hospital and found the man once spoke of irregulars. Try flat for 24 hours a day and not even the help of gravity. Exercise helps move waste through your intestines.

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