Friday, January 22, 2010

Lactulose Pills What Is The Difference Between Dulcolax Pills And Lactulose Solution BP?

What is the difference between dulcolax pills and lactulose solution BP? - lactulose pills

What is the difference between the tablets and lactulose solution BP Dulcolax?


Gopal said...

Dulcolax is a short-term treatment of constipation problems in the short term use. When used as a long-term lactulose.
Dulcolax, when she eats, has a startup time approximately 12 hours and treatment should not be longer than one week if symptoms persist, ask your doctor.
Lactulose can take up to 72 hours for the beginning, and it is administered for months or years to fight both against a stubborn when constipation.

In essence, both work by increasing the amount of water into the intestine. This, in turn, loose stools, and so they pass easily.

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